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  • Writer's pictureDeLone Dawisha



The world of construction projects is dynamic and often unpredictable. Disputes and claims are, unfortunately, a recurring part of this landscape, born out of the complex, multifaceted nature of the construction industry. These disputes can arise from a wide range of issues - from miscommunication between parties to sudden changes in project specifications or unforeseen complications during the construction process. This often challenging environment makes it all the more important to be well-prepared, well-informed, and well-advised.

Each construction project, like a fingerprint, is unique. Every new undertaking brings with it a fresh set of considerations, demands, and potential obstacles. A minor deviation in the project scope, a small discrepancy in the blueprint, or even an unexpected delay in the supply chain can trigger a domino effect leading to significant disputes and claims. These factors underscore the need for a deep understanding of the project's nuances and a meticulous approach towards project management and coordination.

In this complex playing field, the anticipation of potential issues is not just a strategic advantage; it's a necessity. This foresight enables all parties involved to be better prepared to handle any disputes or claims that may arise. Having an effective resolution framework in place can be a game-changer in these circumstances. This framework typically outlines the processes and procedures to be followed when disputes arise, ensuring that all parties have a clear understanding of their rights, obligations, and the recourse available to them.

This comprehensive guide aims to take you through the intricacies of managing construction disputes. We will delve into the nature of common disputes, the importance of a well-drafted construction agreement, and the role of various dispute resolution methods such as mediation, arbitration, and litigation.

However, as we navigate these complexities, one element stands out in its importance - the role of expert legal counsel. A knowledgeable and experienced real estate attorney is often the beacon that guides the parties through the storm of disputes and claims. Their expertise can be instrumental in ensuring a fair and efficient resolution, minimizing the adverse impact on the project's timeline and budget.

Through this guide, we emphasize the crucial role of expert legal counsel and the importance of a proactive, strategic approach to dispute management in construction projects. Whether you're a project owner, a contractor, a subcontractor, or another stakeholder in a construction project, this guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the challenges and ensure the successful completion of your project.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please seek the advice of an attorney in your respective jurisdiction before making any decisions based on this information.


When it comes to construction disputes, there are several key considerations to bear in mind. These focus on understanding the potential issues that could arise, having a well-defined contract, and ensuring access to expert advice when required. In the following sections, we will unpack these considerations in more detail:

1.) Understanding the Common Causes of Disputes

In the complex world of construction, disputes can arise from several areas. Common causes include changes in project specifications, delays in the project timeline, issues related to compensation, and claims related to the scope of work. Understanding these potential issues and developing strategies to prevent or manage them can significantly reduce the risk of disputes arising. Let's delve deeper into these common causes and ways to address them:

a.) Changes in Project Specifications:

Every construction project starts with a blueprint – a detailed plan that outlines the project's specifications. However, construction is a dynamic field, and changes are not uncommon. These changes can be minor, such as the replacement of a building material, or major, such as a design modification. However, any alteration can potentially lead to disagreements, especially if these changes impact the project's cost, timeline, or the responsibilities of the parties involved. To mitigate this, it's crucial to have a flexible yet well-defined change order process in place. This process should detail how proposed changes are approved, how they affect the project's timeline and cost, and the responsibilities of each party.

b.) Project Delays:

Few things in construction are as detrimental as delays. They can increase costs, affect contractual obligations, and strain relationships between parties involved. Delays can be caused by a host of factors, including unexpected weather conditions, supply chain issues, changes in project scope, or inefficiencies in project management. To manage this, developing a realistic and comprehensive project timeline that includes buffers for potential delays can be beneficial. Regular monitoring and prompt communication about any changes in the timeline can help keep all parties informed and manage expectations.

c.) Compensation Issues:

Disputes often arise from disagreements over compensation. This could be related to the cost of materials, labor, changes in work, or unexpected costs arising during the project. Having a clear and detailed contract outlining the project's cost, the payment schedule, and how potential additional costs will be addressed can prevent many of these disputes. It's also crucial to maintain transparency about costs throughout the project to prevent surprises and disagreements at a later stage.

d.) Scope of Work Claims:

The scope of work outlines the specific tasks and activities to be undertaken as part of the construction project. Disputes can arise when there is a lack of clarity about the scope of work or when one party believes that the other is performing tasks outside the agreed-upon scope. To prevent this, it's essential to have a detailed and clear scope of work in the contract, outlining each party's responsibilities. Any changes to this should be documented and agreed upon by all parties involved.

e.) Quality of Work:

Quality-related disputes are frequent in construction projects. They arise when the work performed or materials used do not meet the project's agreed-upon standards or specifications. These disputes can be minimized by clearly defining the quality standards and benchmarks in the construction contract. Regular inspections and quality checks throughout the project duration can help ensure that the work meets these standards.

f.) Communication Breakdown:

Effective communication is critical in managing any project, more so in the construction sector where multiple parties with different roles and responsibilities collaborate. Misunderstandings, misinterpretations, or lack of timely communication can lead to disputes. Implementing regular meetings, status updates, and using collaborative tools can help ensure clear and consistent communication among all parties.

g.) Non-compliance with Contract Terms:

Disputes often arise when one party fails to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in the contract. This can involve anything from non-adherence to safety regulations, failure to meet project milestones, or non-payment of invoices. A detailed, well-structured contract and a system for monitoring compliance can significantly reduce such disputes.

h.) Change in Legislation or Regulations:

Construction projects often span months or even years. During this time, changes in local or national legislation, building codes, or environmental regulations can impact the project's scope, costs, and timeline, leading to potential disputes. While these changes are often beyond the control of the parties involved, having a legal expert who stays abreast of these changes and a clause in the contract addressing such changes can help manage these situations better.

i.) Differing Site Conditions:

Sometimes, the actual site conditions may differ significantly from what was anticipated at the time of contract signing. This could involve unexpected soil conditions, hidden structures, or unanticipated environmental concerns. Such unforeseen conditions can increase costs and delay the project, leading to disputes. Detailed site surveys prior to signing the contract and a clause addressing differing site conditions can help manage this risk.

j.) Labor Issues:

Disputes can also arise from labor-related issues such as wage disputes, safety concerns, or workforce shortages. Ensuring fair wages, safe working conditions, and having a contingency plan in place for labor shortages can help mitigate these disputes.

k.) Design Errors or Omissions:

Errors or omissions in the design phase can lead to significant problems during construction, often resulting in increased costs and delays. These disputes can involve architects, engineers, and contractors. Thorough review processes and quality checks during the design phase can help avoid such issues.

l.) Insurance Disputes:

Construction projects require various types of insurance, and disputes can arise around the interpretation of these policies, particularly when an accident or damage occurs. It's crucial to understand the terms and conditions of all insurance policies related to the project.

m.) Material Supply Issues:

A delay in material supply or a sudden increase in material prices can disrupt project timelines and budgets. These disruptions can lead to disputes between project owners, contractors, and suppliers. To mitigate these risks, parties may consider clauses in their contracts that address potential material supply issues.

n.) Weather-Related Delays:

Adverse weather conditions can halt construction work, leading to project delays. While these circumstances are typically considered force majeure, disputes can still arise if the parties disagree on the interpretation or if they feel the other party did not take adequate measures to mitigate the delay.

o.) Bankruptcy or Insolvency of a Party:

If a contractor, subcontractor, or even the project owner faces bankruptcy or insolvency during the construction process, it can lead to significant issues, including project delays and financial losses. Parties should conduct proper due diligence before entering into contracts and consider including terms that address potential insolvency.

p.) Environmental Concerns:

Unexpected environmental issues, such as the discovery of protected species, hazardous materials, or archaeological sites, can halt a construction project and lead to disputes. Environmental assessments before starting the project can help identify potential issues.

Understanding these common causes of disputes is the first step towards preventing them. By anticipating potential issues and developing strategies to manage them, parties involved in a construction project can significantly reduce the risk of disputes arising, ensuring a smoother execution of the project.

2.) The Importance of a Well-Drafted Construction Agreement

The construction agreement is the bedrock of any construction project, serving as the guiding document that outlines the rights, responsibilities, and expectations of all parties involved. A well-drafted construction agreement is not just a legal necessity; it's a strategic tool that can help prevent disputes and provide a roadmap for resolution if they occur. Here are some critical components of a robust construction agreement:

a.) Clearly Defined Scope of Work:

The agreement should have a comprehensive and precise description of the work to be performed. This includes detailed specifications of the construction project, such as the designs, plans, and specific materials to be used. Vague or ambiguous descriptions can lead to misunderstandings and disputes down the line.

b.) Project Timelines:

The agreement must set out clear timelines, including the start and completion dates, milestones, and the schedule for the different phases of the construction project. It should also account for potential delays and how they will be handled.

c.) Payment Terms:

The terms and conditions for payment, including the amount, schedule, and mode of payment, should be explicitly stated. It should also detail how changes to the project that may affect the cost will be addressed.

d.) Roles and Responsibilities:

The agreement should clearly articulate the roles and responsibilities of each party, including the project owner, the contractor, subcontractors, and any other stakeholders. This helps prevent conflicts arising from misunderstandings about who is responsible for what.

e.) Dispute Resolution Procedures:

The agreement should also have a well-defined dispute resolution clause. It should outline the steps to be taken when a dispute arises, including any requirements for negotiation or mediation before proceeding to arbitration or litigation. It may also specify the laws that will govern the contract and the location or jurisdiction for any legal proceedings.

f.) Change Orders:

The agreement should outline the process for approving changes to the work, known as change orders. This is a common source of disputes, and having a clear process in place can help avoid conflicts.

g.) Termination Clause:

Conditions under which the contract may be terminated, and the implications of such termination, should be clearly defined to prevent any surprises later on.

h.) Force Majeure:

This clause covers unforeseen events that are beyond the control of the parties, such as natural disasters or pandemics. The agreement should define what constitutes a force majeure event and how it will affect the contract terms, including project timelines and payment.

i.) Insurance and Indemnity Clauses:

These stipulate the types and amounts of insurance coverage required for the project, including liability insurance and worker’s compensation. Indemnity clauses, on the other hand, protect parties from financial loss in case of a lawsuit or a claim for damages. It's important for the agreement to clearly outline these expectations to mitigate potential financial risks.

j.) Warranty Provision:

The contract should include a warranty provision detailing any guarantees offered by the contractor on the quality of the work performed. It should outline the duration of the warranty, what it covers, and the process for addressing any issues that may arise during the warranty period.

k.) Performance Bonds and Sureties:

These act as a form of financial guarantee ensuring the contractor will fulfill their obligations under the contract. If the contractor fails to complete the project as agreed, the bond can be used to compensate the project owner.

l.) Confidentiality Clause:

This is particularly important if the project involves proprietary designs or methods. A confidentiality clause ensures that sensitive information is protected and not disclosed to outside parties.

m.) Permits and Approvals:

The contract should specify who is responsible for obtaining necessary permits and approvals for the project. Failure to secure the right permits can lead to project delays, legal issues, and potential fines.

n.) Subcontractor Management:

If subcontractors are involved, the agreement should outline how they will be managed. This includes specifying who has the authority to hire and oversee subcontractors and how payment will be handled.

o.) Quality Control and Inspection:

The agreement should specify the standards of work to be maintained and the process for inspections to ensure the work meets those standards.

p.) Dispute Escalation:

If initial dispute resolution procedures fail, the contract should outline the next steps. This could involve arbitration, mediation, or eventually litigation.

q.) Record Keeping:

The agreement should specify the types of records to be kept and maintained by the parties, including financial records, correspondence, permits, and other project-related documentation.

A well-drafted construction agreement is a proactive measure that can significantly reduce the risk of disputes in a construction project. However, the complexity of these agreements necessitates the involvement of a seasoned real estate attorney who can ensure all potential issues are anticipated and addressed, protecting the interests of all parties involved.

3.) Dispute Resolution Methods

Different methods can be used to resolve disputes when they arise. These include mediation, arbitration, and litigation. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method should be tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of the project. A well-drafted construction agreement should include a dispute resolution clause outlining the agreed-upon method(s) for resolving disputes and require that a claim be brought within a specific timeframe. A well-drafted dispute resolution provision can save time, money, and prevent a project standstill.

a.) Mediation:

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution that involves a neutral third party, known as a mediator. The mediator does not make a decision on the dispute but instead facilitates a conversation between the parties to help them reach a mutually agreed-upon resolution. Mediation is typically less formal and less adversarial than litigation, often leading to a more amicable resolution and preserving business relationships.

Key benefits of mediation include its cost-effectiveness, confidentiality, and speed compared to court proceedings. Additionally, mediation offers more control over the process and the outcome, as the parties involved directly participate in negotiating a resolution.

However, mediation relies heavily on the willingness of both parties to cooperate and compromise. If one party is unwilling to negotiate or if the power dynamics between the parties are unequal, mediation may not be effective.

b.) Arbitration:

Arbitration, another form of alternative dispute resolution, is a more formal process where a neutral arbitrator (or panel of arbitrators) makes a binding decision after hearing arguments and evidence from both sides. The parties usually agree beforehand whether the arbitration will be binding or non-binding.

Arbitration can be faster and less expensive than traditional litigation, and it also offers a degree of confidentiality. Moreover, the parties have the freedom to select an arbitrator with specific expertise in the construction industry.

On the downside, arbitration can be less flexible than mediation, as the arbitrator's decision is usually final, with limited opportunities for appeal. It can also become costly if multiple arbitrators are involved, or if proceedings become protracted.

c.) Litigation:

Litigation involves taking the dispute to court, where a judge (and possibly a jury) will hear the case and make a legally binding decision. Litigation is typically more structured and formal than either mediation or arbitration, and it follows a specific set of procedural rules.

While litigation can provide a definitive resolution to a dispute and includes the possibility of appeal, it is usually the most expensive and time-consuming dispute resolution method. It can also lead to strained relationships due to its adversarial nature.

In considering the best dispute resolution method for a construction project, parties should consider the complexity of the potential dispute, the relationship between the parties, the desired speed of resolution, and the resources available for dispute resolution. The chosen methods should be clearly outlined in the construction agreement's dispute resolution clause to ensure all parties are aware of the procedures in case a dispute arises.

Remember, the assistance of an experienced real estate attorney can be instrumental in navigating these processes and selecting the best dispute resolution strategy for your specific circumstances.

4.) Role of Expert Legal Counsel

In the intricate and often turbulent world of construction projects, the role of expert legal counsel cannot be overstated. An experienced real estate attorney brings to the table a wealth of knowledge, strategic insight, and a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape. Their role permeates various stages and aspects of the construction project, and here's how they contribute significantly:

a.) Contract Drafting and Review:

When drafting a construction agreement, an experienced attorney plays an essential role. They meticulously dissect the project's details, identifying potential areas of conflict and addressing them proactively in the contract. This includes clearly defining the scope of work, outlining specific roles and responsibilities, setting forth payment terms, and more. Additionally, they ensure the inclusion of comprehensive dispute resolution clauses, thereby paving the way for smoother resolution processes should disagreements arise.

b.) Risk Management:

An expert attorney plays a vital role in risk management. They can anticipate possible legal pitfalls, provide advice on insurance and indemnity clauses, and suggest effective strategies to mitigate risks. Their insights can be instrumental in ensuring contractual obligations are met while protecting the interests of their client.

c.) Legal Representation:

In the unfortunate event of a dispute, having expert legal counsel becomes even more critical. They offer strategic advice and expert guidance in navigating the complexities of the situation, regardless of whether the resolution method is negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation. Their in-depth understanding of construction law and their adept negotiation skills can help parties reach a resolution more efficiently and fairly.

d.) Regulatory Compliance:

Construction projects are governed by a myriad of laws and regulations at local, state, and federal levels. An experienced real estate attorney ensures that the project complies with all relevant regulations, thereby avoiding potential legal complications that could stall the project.

e.) Claims Management:

Should claims arise during or after the construction process, expert legal counsel is essential in managing these claims effectively. They can help identify the validity of claims, advise on the best course of action, and ensure the claims process is handled in a manner that minimizes disruption to the project.

The role of an experienced real estate attorney in a construction project is multifaceted and vital. Their expertise helps navigate the legal complexities, mitigate risks, and steer disputes towards efficient and fair resolutions, ensuring the project's successful completion. Therefore, engaging expert legal counsel should be considered not just an option but a necessity in today's construction landscape.

5.) Effective Communication and Timeline Management

Effective communication and timeline management serve as the two main pillars that uphold the structure of successful execution. These elements play a crucial role in harmonizing the various moving parts of the project, minimizing discrepancies, and steering clear of potential disputes. Here's a more detailed look at each aspect:

a.) The Power of Effective Communication:

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any construction project. It fosters transparency, ensures alignment among the parties, and keeps misunderstandings at bay, thus significantly reducing the potential for disputes. Here's how it works:

  • Clear and Concise Information Sharing: Ensuring that all project-related information is clearly, concisely, and consistently shared with all relevant parties helps minimize misunderstandings. This includes project goals, design specifications, scope of work, changes, and any challenges encountered.

  • Regular Updates: Regular status updates and meetings provide a platform for all parties to align on the project's progress, discuss potential issues, and address them promptly. This continuous feedback loop can help nip problems in the bud before they escalate into major disputes.

  • Documented Correspondence: Written communication and documentation play a pivotal role in preventing and resolving disputes. Emails, minutes of meetings, change orders, and other forms of written correspondence serve as tangible evidence of agreements and changes, providing a reliable reference in case of discrepancies.

b.) The Role of Effective Timeline Management:

Timely completion is often a critical factor in a construction project's success. Delays can cause cost overruns, affect other dependent projects, and potentially lead to disputes. Effective timeline management can help keep the project on track:

  • Detailed Project Scheduling: A comprehensive and realistic schedule sets the foundation for effective timeline management. It should outline all project phases, their expected duration, and interdependencies.

  • Monitoring and Updates: Regular monitoring of the project's progress against the schedule helps identify potential delays early. Any necessary changes to the schedule should be communicated promptly to all relevant parties.

  • Contingency Planning: Including buffers for unexpected delays and disruptions can help maintain the project timeline without compromising the overall project delivery date.

  • Change Management: Changes are inevitable in construction projects. Effective change management includes assessing the impact of changes on the timeline, communicating this to all parties, and adjusting the schedule as necessary.

Effective communication and timeline management are fundamental to preventing and managing disputes in construction projects. By ensuring all parties are aligned and the project stays on track, these practices can significantly enhance the chances of the project's successful and timely completion.


Steering through the often stormy seas of construction disputes can indeed be a daunting task, filled with complexities and challenges. However, with a strategic approach, proactive planning, and the right resources, these obstacles can be effectively managed and even turned into learning opportunities for future endeavors.

Understanding the intricate dynamics that drive construction disputes is the first step on this journey. This involves recognizing the common causes of disputes, from changes in project specifications to delays and compensation issues. With this knowledge, parties can predict potential problems and proactively develop strategies to prevent or mitigate these issues, thereby reducing the likelihood of disputes arising in the first place.

A well-drafted construction agreement serves as a compass in this unpredictable terrain. It goes beyond merely defining the roles and responsibilities of each party involved. It outlines the scope of work, project timelines, payment terms, and the protocols to follow in case of a dispute. This document effectively sets the ground rules for engagement and provides a roadmap for navigating any potential disagreements.

Choosing the right dispute resolution methods is equally important. Whether it's mediation, arbitration, or litigation, each method comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The choice should be tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of the project, and clearly outlined in the construction agreement. This ensures that all parties are aware of the agreed-upon process for dispute resolution, should a conflict arise.

The role of expert legal counsel cannot be overstated in this context. Having access to a seasoned real estate attorney can make a significant difference in preventing, managing, and resolving disputes. Their expertise in drafting robust construction agreements, offering advice during a dispute, and providing guidance through the resolution process is invaluable.

Moreover, cultivating effective communication practices and maintaining stringent timeline management strategies can further fortify your project against potential disputes. Regular updates, clear and concise information sharing, and effective change management can keep all parties aligned, preventing minor issues from escalating into major disputes. Similarly, comprehensive project scheduling, regular progress monitoring, and contingency planning can ensure that your project stays on track and delays that could lead to disputes are avoided.

In conclusion, while the world of construction disputes might be complex and challenging, it is certainly not insurmountable. With an understanding of potential issues, a well-drafted construction agreement, effective dispute resolution methods, access to expert legal counsel, and robust communication and timeline management practices in place, you are not only equipped to navigate any disputes that may arise, but also to ensure the successful and timely completion of your construction project. This proactive and strategic approach to dispute management can contribute significantly to your project's success and help you turn challenges into opportunities.

If you're ready to equip yourself with the necessary tools to prevent and manage construction disputes effectively, don't hesitate to take the next step. Our team of experienced real estate attorneys is here to guide you through every aspect of your construction project, from drafting a comprehensive agreement to providing expert guidance in the event of a dispute.

Don't let the complexities of construction disputes hinder your project's success. Contact us today for a consultation and discover how our expert legal counsel can help you navigate the world of construction disputes with confidence and ease.

Remember, a proactive approach today can save you from potential disputes tomorrow. Get in touch now!

DeLone Dawisha

Principal and Founder

Dawisha Law, PLLC



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